(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
WWW VL: Literature/World Literature
The home page for the World Wide Web Virtual Library: Literature is maintained at the
Internet Book Information Center
. Please mail to recommend additional resources for this page. For other subjects in the WWW Virtual Library, see the
Subject Index
at CERN.
World Literature
- Angstkultur (Norwegian literature)
- French and Italian language:
EROFILE publishes reviews of books on French and Italian studies
(literature, culture, pedagagy, History, Theory) over the Internet.
The English Server
and its books
directory , including sections on Fiction, Drama and Poetry.
Russian and East European Studies
- The
Runeberg project
on Nordic literature and art
Vatican Library Exhibit on Renaissance Culture
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Bryn Mawr Medieval Review
a WAIS index of Poetry at MIT;
- the "English Server"
Shiki Internet Haiku Server
- China News Digest has a WWW server at URL=""
where you will find information about their activities, mostly
concerned with editing electronic magazines providing daily
information about China-related affairs. They currently
maintain 16 different mailing lists (there are publications in
English and in Chinese, daily and weekly, global or more specific
to certain regions, etc). About 34000 subscribers to these
mailing lists, and a few thousand people who get the chinese
version in PostScript format each week on their FTP server.