hide random home screenshot http://sunsite.unc.edu/patents/intropat.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

STO's Internet Patent Search System

STO's Internet Patent Search System

This is the home page for Source Translation & Optimization's (STO) Internet Patent Search System, a way for people around the world to perform patent searches, and access information on the patenting process.

I would like to thank the University of North Carolina for offering the use of SunSITE system as a host for the Internet Patent Searching system. If you have any questions or suggestions (and in particular, donations), please contact me.

Gregory Aharonian
Internet Patent News Service
P.O. Box 404
Belmont, MA 02178

Patent titles retrieval using the class/subclass code

Enter a class/subclass code here to get a list of patent titles. Use any of the following forms:
363-131 121-55A 14-.5
that is, no embedded spaces, class and subclass seperated by a dash, and any subclass letters capitalized. Currently Design Patent titles (those in the classes of the form Dxx.yy) are not retreivable.

Enter class/subclass code:

Patent abstract retrieval using the patent number

Enter a patent number here to get the abstract. Use the following form:
that is, no embedded spaces or commas. Currently Design Patent abstracts (those in the form Dxxxxxx) are not retreivable. Only patent abstracts for patents between 4794652 and 4890334 are available. More as donations come in.

Enter patent number:

Patent searching using the PTO classification system

The US Patent and Trademark Office uses a classification scheme with 400+ main classes, and tens of thousands of subclasses, to classify all of the 5,300,000+ patents issued since the 1800's. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can obtain a list of titles to patents in any class/subclass. The first is to locate the class that pertains to your technology area.

The 400+ main classes are divided into four supergroups: electronic, chemical, engineering and mechanical, each of which are divided into 5 to 7 groups. A master list of all the classes is also provided. The Manual pages at this Mosaic site are current as of December 1993.