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Mythopoeic Award Winners

The Mythopoeic Awards are presented annually by the Mythopoeic Society, a non-profit organization devoted to the study, discussion, and enjoyment of myth and fantasy literature, especially the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams, known as "The Inklings." The nominees and winners are chosen by committees consisting of members of the Society, and are announced at the annual Mythopoeic Conferences. Each award is a statuette of a seated lion, intended to evoke Aslan from C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia.

The Mythopoeic Fantasy Awards honor current fantasy works "in the spirit of the Inklings", in two categories, adult and children's literature. The Mythopoeic Scholarship Awards honor scholarship about the Inklings and on the genres of myth and fantasy studies.

The years listed are those the award was presented.

For information about The Mythopoeic Society, write P.O. Box 6707, Altadena CA 91003, or contact the awards administrator, David Bratman, online at d.bratman@genie.geis.com.

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Last updated 02-Mar-95 by John Leavitt (jrrl@cmu.edu)