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2nd International Workshop on
Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications

Oct. 25-27, 1995
Tokyo, Japan

Welcome to the WWW Home Page of the Second International Workshop on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA'95), which is to be held on October 25-27 in Tokyo, Japan. Joint events with YUFORIC (Youth Forum In Computer Science and Engineering) are scheduled on October 27, 1995.

Workshop Timetable

   Submission Deadline ................. June 5, 1995
   Acceptance Notification ............ July 21, 1995
   Camera-Ready Paper Due ........... August 23, 1995
   YUFORIC Submission Deadline ...... August 27, 1995

   Workshop ..................... October 25-27, 1995

Prepared by Hiroaki Takada <hiro@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>.
Last updated on June 2, 1995.

Visit the Home Page of Sakamura Lab., Univ. of Tokyo.