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School of Veterinary Medicine

Lynn Hall, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

[Educational_Resources icon] Educational Resources: Including the Veterinary Library, information on the student computer lab, the Auto-Tutorial resource facility for audio visual materials, the new BIRC (Biology Information Resource Center), and other collections in Lynn Hall.

[Departments,Centers,Programs icon] Departments, Centers, and Academic Programs: A page of links to the various departments and sub-departments, academic programs, service units, and other useful resources in the Veterinary complex.

[People icon] People: Links to pages of faculty profiles, staff home pages, student listings, and the personnel in various research laboratories and service units.

[Calender icon] Calendar: The place to check for seminars, building construction announcements, dissertation defenses, Vet Vittles menus, faculty meetings, computer seminars, and other periodic events.

[Administrative_Resources icon] Administrative Information: Information on contacting the School of Veterinary Medicine, student affairs, application for programs, and building information.

[Vet School New Building Construction] Lynn Hall Construction Progress: We will be placing information about the new addition to Lynn Hall on this page, including a building map, office assignments, and photographs of the progress. Also, a schedule of the construction project will be included.

[Links to other Internet Sites icon] Links to Other Internet Sites: Interesting places on the Internet, Purdue campus resources, maps, weather, search engines, tutorials, and navigational aids.

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Last updated: 4/14/95