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The Envelope Please

The Official Interactive Guide to the Academy Awards®

presented by Visualize Interactive
and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

This program is designed to help you explore Oscar® nominees and winners, past and present. It is actually the preview of a much more elaborate program which will be released for the 68th Annual Academy Awards in 1996. We invite you to examine this site extensively and to submit your comments and suggestions for our developers to incorporate in the 1996 version. We realize, because of its subject matter, that this program is very graphics intensive and that many pages may take up to a minute to download for those of you who are connected by modem through regular phone lines. But we can't imagine a presentation of films and cinema without the ability to view clips and images. Perhaps, based on your feedback, we might release a companion program on CD-ROM which would allow this interactive guide to deliver the visuals more efficiently, while you continue to navigate the latest information online.

We have tried to design the program in a way which allows browsers with slower connections to decide whether or not they wish to download film clips and larger images. Please note that most of the clips are 2.5mb to 4.5mb in size. So unless you are connected by ISDN or T1 lines, you might be happier staying with the text pages... and they have cute little thumbnail photos so you still have something interesting to view.

Now, as they say... On with the show!

1994 Nominations and Winners by Category
1994 Nominations by Picture
Feature Films with Two or More Nominations
67th Annual Academy Scientific and Technical Awards

1994 Nominees and Winners (Text Only)
Past Nominees and WinnersComing Soon

Oscar Trivia

The Oscar Game

(After you've had a chance to explore this site, we'd like your comments)

Academy Award Show Information

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Visualize Interactive

Copyright © 1995 Visualize Interactive
Please send your comments and suggestions to: tep@guide.oscars.org