(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
Due to the intense interest expressed within the WorldWideWeb
community during WWW '94 in Geneva, for a visualized interface to the
Internet and the Web, we have entered into an open forum discussion
for the design and implementation of a platform-independent language
for virtual reality scene design. We have visions as to what we want to be able
to do with VRML - we also have goals for this mailing list and
There is also a Hypermail archive of the mailing
VRML Parser Library and Draft Spec 1.0
Public source code for QvLib, a parser library for
VRML has been released - written by Paul Strauss (
and Gavin Bell ( of SGI, it is code to build a
parse tree from a VRML file for future VRML applications. The VRML Draft Spec 1.0
is also available, written by Gavin Bell of SGI and Tony Parisi of
Labyrinth Group. This and a mirror of this site is available at the EIT VRML*Tech forum.
Another VRML-related site you may be interested in is the VRML Repository at the San Diego
Supercomputing Center.
VRML Survey Results
A survey was conducted in August to assess what features we wanted in
the baseline spec, and which of the 8 proposals mentioned so far
merited closer inspection. The results
of that survey are available. Please read this document to see
where we stand in the review and development process.
The survey results indicated that three proposals merited further
review - SGI's Open Inventor, University of Minnesota's OOGL, and
Autodesk's Cyberspace Description Format.
Proposed VRML Systems
Here are the remaining possible proposals for VRML:
- SGI Open
- A standard with a lot of history and support. Gavin Bell and
Rikk Carey have made a statement
regarding its use by the open market to address the concerns
people have.
- Here's a concise
argument by John Barrus as to why it's a good place to start.
- Besoft is working on a general purpose behavior
representation format for Inventor.
- OOGL, an "Object-Oriented
Graphics Language"
- OOGL was developed several years ago at the Geometry Center in Minnesota, and since
that time it has seen extensive testing as a geometric visualization
format in mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering. It is a
non-proprietary, time-tested language with support for sophisticated
graphics and support for hyperbolic geometry. You can also check out
A WWW interface
called WebOOGL.
- Cyberspace Description Format (CDF)
- Proposed by Autodesk
And other proposals which were mentioned:
- A File Format for the Interchange
of Virtual Worlds
- By Bernie Roehl and Kerry Bonin
- As the Virtual Reality industry matures, there is an increasing
need for standardization. In particular, there is a need for a
standard file format for storing descriptions of both individual
objects and entire worlds. This document proposes such a file format.
It addresses such issues as the description of object geometry, object
hierarchy, material properties, and various other elements that are
typically used to describe a virtual environment.
- Labyrinth-VRML Specification
version 1.3.1.
- The VRML specification as implemented by the current (pre-alpha)
version of Labyrinth.
Manchester Scene Description Language
- Allows the specification of 3-D objects, and a C/C++ parser library
is already available.
- Added Sunday, June 19th
- Meme
- Immersive System's Multitasking Extensible Messaging Environment
- Proposed by Marc de Groot,
- Added Wednesday, June 22nd
VRML Concepts
- Please read our visions and
the goals we have for
this mailing list and conference.
- "Extending WWW to support Platform
Independent Virtual Reality" by Dave Raggett.
- This is a proposal to allow VR environments to be incorporated
into the World Wide Web, thereby allowing users to "walk" around and
push through doors to follow hyperlinks to other parts of the Web.
VRML is proposed as a logical markup format for non-proprietary platform
independent VR. The format describes VR environments as compositions
of logical elements. Additional details are specified using a
universal resource naming scheme supporting retrieval of shared
resources over the network. The paper closes with ideas for how to
extend this to support virtual presence teleconferencing.
- "
Cyberspace" by Mark Pesce.
- This work describes a visualization tool for WWW, "Labyrinth",
which uses WWW and a newly defined protocol, Cyberspace Protocol (CP)
to visualize and maintain a uniform definition of objects, scene
arragement, and spatio-location which is consistent across all of
Internet. Several technologies have been invented to handle the
scaling problems associated with widely-shared spaces, including a
distributed server methodology for resolving spatial requests. A new
languague, Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) is introduced as a
beginning proposal for WWW visualization.
Other VR Research
Here are other VR-related projects we should look at.
Template Graphics Software
- Template Graphics Software, a San Diego-based graphics tools vendor,
is integrating VRML functionlity into their commercial SDK and viewer
products based upon Open Inventor. TGS is a level-two source licensee
from Silicon Graphics Inc. of OpenGL and Open Inventor and is delivering
Open Inventor for all non-SGI UNIX workstations, Windows (3.1, NT, 95)
and Apple Mac. TGS will support VRML as a subset to the Open Inventor SDK,
and will support .iv and .vml viewing in their 3DView product (in development,
pre-view copies on request).
Open Virtual Reality Testbed
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
Open Geodata Interoperability Specification
- Creating a behavioral model for the distributed processing of spatial data.
Virtual-Worlds FTP Archive and HITLab FTP site.
- At University of Washington.
The NPSNET Research Group
- The Naval Postgraduate School Networked Vehicle Simulator IV, and
other work on networked VR.
- Renderware, from
Criterion Software Ltd.
- Renderware is an API for 3D application building on DOS, MS-Windows
and Sparc architectures. It'll possibly be useful for building a viewer
for these platforms.
VRML Mailing List
To join the VRML standards discussion, please subscribe to the www-vrml
mailing list. Send mail to:
No subject, message body:
subscribe www-vrml your-email-address
Before posting, please read the ettiquette guide.
Biographies of some of the participants in the
WWW-VRML list are available, on the principle that it's harder to
flame someone when you know something about them.
Finally, Jason Cunliffe ( has summarized VRML's existance to date pretty
For more information contact Mark Pesce
( or Brian Behlendorf
( &
Last Modified: 01:01:13 PM - May 13, 1995 PST