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Stanford University - School of Engineering

Stanford University - School of Engineering

Of the seven schools on Stanford University campus, Engineering has the second largest enrollment following Humanities and Sciences. This year there are 3,389 students in the School of Engineering representing more than one-fourth of all University students. Electrical Engineering, with 891 students, is the largest engineering discipline and the largest department in the University. Organized in 1925 to unite the departments of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Mining Engineering, the School has grown to include 10 departments today.

These departments are:

There are several centers of research activity:

The Stanford Center for Professional Development is under the School of Engineering and provides professional and Stanford courses to students off-site, often while they are full-time employees with Silicon Valley companies.

More information about the school:

copyright 1995 Stanford University
SoE documents: last modified 15 February 1995.
webmaster@ cast.stanford.edu