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LLNL Environmental Programs Home Page


Jay C. Davis, Associate Director (Acting)

Welcome to the LLNL Environmental Programs home page.

Preserving the environment is an ongoing challenge facing the U.S. and the rest of the world. We are attempting to better understand the forces affecting the environment, assessing the biological and health effects of exposure to various substances of concern, and developing new devices and processes to minimize or treat waste and maintain a clean environment.

This home page is designed to introduce you to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Environmental Programs. Follow the hypertext links (indicated by the highlighted text) to learn more about the mission and structure of the LLNL Environmental Programs Directorate, select Overview and General Information. For more information on the research being done by the Program, select Projects, Disciplinary Divisions, and Centers. Additional information about specific areas can be obtained by following links on specific subtopics.

What's New on the LLNL Environmental Programs Pages?

Overview and General Information

Projects, Disciplinary Divisions, and Centers

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Links to other Earth, Atmospheric, and Environmental Science Pages

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shaw4@llnl.gov -- Henry F. Shaw

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