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24-hour Peer Counseling Center: 723-3392

Peer Counseling

The Bridge is a group of student counselors providing free, confidential, 24-hour peer counseling services to Stanford and the neighboring community. As peer counselors, we are here to listen, to explore feelings or just to talk. Our goal is to help you to develop your own solutions to problems or uncertainties that you may be dealing with.

In addition, The Bridge provides meeting space for several community and campus support groups, and opportunities for students to become involved in health services, outreach and community programs.

The Bridge staff is made up entirely of volunteers who have completed an intensive training class and evaluation procedure, and are supported by Stanford faculty and administrators.

Call 3-3392 any time to speak to a peer counselor.

The Bridge is open for drop-in counsels from 9 a.m. to midnight, and is located at 640 Campus Drive. It's the green and white building across from the Haas Center.

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Information & Referral

The Bridge provides referrals for services throughout the Peninsula: sexual assault hotlines, HIV counseling, alcohol and drug counseling and support groups, support for battered women and men, among others.

The Bridge Information and Referral Database will soon be on-line. Table of Contents

Psychology 167A - The Bridge Community

Students enrolled in Psych 167A gain valuable counseling skills through lectures, small group discussions and workshops, and individual practice with experienced Bridge staffers. Those who do well in evaluations following the class may staff at The Bridge. The course is open to both graduate and undergraduate students and is offered every quarter. Table of Contents

The Balance Beam

The Bridge's outreach newsletter is co-authored with Cowell Student Health Center, and is distributed to Stanford dormitories. Each issue of The Balance Beam discusses a different mental health or stress issue that affects college students, and offers references for support services or further reading. Click here to search previous issues of The Balance Beam.

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Massage Workshops

Bridge staffers lead workshops on stress-reducing massage techniques throughout the quarter in dorms and other organizations. We provide the soft music and body oil, you provide the flesh. To schedule a workshop, call (72)3-3393 and leave a message for the Outreach Coordinator.

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Support Groups

The Bridge is the meeting place for a number of support groups open to Stanford and neighboring communities: Overeaters Anonymous, Emotions Anonymous, Secular Organization for Sobriety, Body Image and Self-Esteem, Coming Out Rap Group, Lesbian and Bisexual Women Group. Call (72)3-3393 for times.

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Homeless Outreach Program: SPEAK

New and old Bridge staffers can volunteer in a program providing counseling to kids at a local homeless shelter. A group of Bridge staffers go to the Santa Clara Family Living Center every week.

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Assisting High School Peer Counseling Centers

Bridge staffers are helping to train local high school students in peer counseling techniques at Menlo-Atherton High School.

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Spring Faire

Spring Faire is an annual crafts and entertainment fair held in White Plaza on Mother's Day weekend. The Bridge staff organizes and manages the Faire as a fundraiser. Proceeds from the Faire cover 100 percent of The Bridge's operating budget for the year.

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John Hall | johnhall@leland.stanford.edu