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ASSU Sunday Flicks - Spring 94-95

Spring Quarter '94-'95

Sundays (sometimes Mondays)
7:00pm and 10:00pm
Memorial Auditorium
Stanford University

Sunday Flicks - The Spring Schedule - Click on the title to check out the film

April 9: Pulp Fiction
April 16: Star Trek: Generations
April 23: The Shawshank Redemption
April 30: Bullets over Broadway
May 7: Grease
May 14: Clerks
May 21: The Blues Brothers
May 29 (Monday, 8:30 only): Hoop Dreams
June 4: Dumb & Dumber
June 11: The Graduate

Check out the Academy Awards by clicking here.

How do I get Flicks passes and tickets?

How do I get on the Flicks mailing list?

You can also receive weekly notices of special movie screenings and upcoming Flicks from our mailing list. To subscribe:
  1. Send mail to: majordomo@list.stanford.edu
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Include the message: subscribe flicks

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Maintained by John Hall / Mail to: johnhall@leland.stanford.edu