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You can jump directly to the following sections of this page:

Spring Calendar
Recent Trip Reports (with pictures)
Leader Information
Other Activities
Being in Touch
Resource Library

What is REDWOOD?

REDWOOD (Recreational, Educational, Developmental Workshops Out Of Doors) is the outdoor activities organization at Stanford. All undergraduates and graduates are welcome to participate in REDWOOD, regardless of skill level. REDWOOD activities help students develop new friendships, learn leadership and teamwork skills, increase self-awareness and interpersonal skills, develop concern for the environment, and learn lifelong wilderness skills. And lest we forget, they're a blast!

What's New in the REDWOOD Web Page

Request: REDWOOD people (everybody!) I would like to set up some sort of database on this Web page, detailing what your interests are and how to reach you. That way, if someone wants to do a particular trip, he/she can come here to check for others with similar interests. This is not meant to replace the mailing list, but it will supplement it nicely. Please take a moment and read this.



Undergraduates, Graduates and Staff are all welcome to participate. Call the contact person if you would like to participate in a trip.

Friday, 14 April
Mountain biking workshop with Mandeep. 4:30-6:30, Laurel Room, Tresidder.

Friday-Sunday 14-16 April
Weekend backpacking and camping trip to Big Sur. This is the trip that was cancelled last quarter due to monsoons... Bjorn guarantees sun this time. Beginners welcome. Pre-trip meeting on Monday, 10 April, 8 PM in the Tresidder piano lounge. Contact Bjorn Johnson, <bjornj@leland>, 7-5289.

Saturday, 15 April (Postponed due to weather-- new date TBA)
Sea-kayaking day trip. Paddle Richardson Bay, near Sausalito, north of the Golden Gate. No prior experience necessary-- the trip will use open deck boats. Experienced paddlers are welcome as well and may use enclosed boats. Sea-kayaking is a lot of fun; check out a recent trip report. The trip will leave campus at 8 AM, and should return in time for dinner. Cost is still being worked out. For more information, contact Ben Squire, <btsquire@leland>, 7-7955.

Tuesday 18 April
HUGE REDWOOD MEETING. Everybody interested needs to come. 8:00 PM, Breer Library (directions TBA).

Friday-Sunday 21-23 April
Weekend backpacking and camping trip to Ventana Wilderness and Sykes Hot Springs. The ultimate hot-tubbing experience! The trip is open to all; no prior experience is necessary. The cost should be under $40. Contact: Jason Trichel, <trichel@leland>, 7-6290. Pretrip Meeting Arroyo 303, 9PM on Wednesday 19 April. All interested should show up.

Saturday-Sunday 29-30 April
Point Reyes backpacking trip. For more information, contact Ritesh, 7-5211.

Saturday-Sunday 6-7 May
Big Basin backpacking trip. For more information, contact Beau, 7-0938.

Saturday-Sunday 13-14 May
Ventana Wilderness backpacking trip. For more information, contact Catherine, 7-4249

Saturday-Sunday 20-21 May
Sequoia backpacking trip. For more information, contact Sulggi, 7-4798

Saturday-Monday 27-29 May (Memorial day weekend)
Carson Pass backpacking trip. For more information, contact Erik, 7-4086

Saturday-Sunday 3-4 June
Yosemite / Hetch-Hetchy scouting trip. This trip may have a few caveats-- for more information, contact Anthony, 7-6607.


How to Become a REDWOOD Leader

How to Lead a REDWOOD Trip

Safety Management Workshop

courtesy of Rick Curtis, Princeton University Outdoor Action


Expedition Course


Upward Bound Program


Planning a trip? Here's a way to get in touch with other students at Stanford with outdoor interests. You can either look at the complete directory of students actively (and less actively) involved with REDWOOD, or you can browse listings by outdoor interest. If you are a Stanford student and would like to have your name added to these lists, click here.

Directory of REDWOOD People

The REDWOOD Newsgroup

The REDWOOD Mailing List


Recent REDWOOD Trip Reports

Gear Rental

GORP California Resource Listings

GEO 7: OEP Wilderness Skills

More Outdoor Links

Orienteering Home Page

Climbing Home Page

Useful Outdoorsy Files

Outdoor Programs at Other Schools

How to contribute your information to this page: send mail to Clem, your REDWOOD Webdude, at <ctillier@leland.stanford.edu>. He will ask you to provide your information or links, or he may grant you access to the REDWOOD files so you can do it yourself. DISCLAIMER

Maintained by Clem Tillier. Comments and suggestions welcome-- put 'em right here.