We've created a lot of icons for use in our documents. Feel free to
copy and use these icons in your own documents. Note that simply
including links to the images on our server inline in your documents
puts a load on our server and does not provide you with any real
benefits. You can get a
compressed tar
archive via this ftp link.
Apologies to those who cannot unpack this admittedly UNIX-centric format; I hope to have alternate archives for Mac and PC use soon.
The images are all in GIF
format, suitable for use as
inline images in html documents.
The non-rectangular images use the GIF transparency extension, so they display correctly against any background color. GIF transparency is supported by Mosaic for X and Macintoshes (MacMosaic 2 or later). These backgrounds will appear as standard XWindows grey, the default background color for Mosaic under X and PCs, on browsers that do not support transparency.
The images are divided into the categories:
I work under UNIX, using xpaint, by David Koblas, to
design the images, the netpbm package, originally by Jef
Poskanzer, to set transparency and perform bulk transformations, and
xv, by John Bradley, to view the results and tweak the
images. I highly recommend all three software packages: they are
powerful, flexible, and free! Use the following links to get the
latest versions using Archie and FTP. Note that the Archie process may
take a minute.
These images for the most part share an 8 color palette. Using such
a limited palette has a number of benefits: the images take up less of
the user's color map, and they tend to compress more readily. The
primary disadvantage of this approach is that it prevents
anti-aliasing (or smoothing) the images; anti-aliasing can make
details such as lettering more legible, and makes pixel
"jaggies" less objectionable.
I recommend using the GIF transparency extension on the background of
non-rectangular images: people will change their background
colors, and even NCSA's own Macintosh browser doesn't default to the
right shade of grey. My recommended technique is to make the
backgrounds the grey used by Mosaic for X and Windows:
Red/Green/Blue 191/191/191
. Then
use the following netpbm
commands to make the grey
giftopnm image.gif | ppmtogif -trans #BFBFBF > image-trans.gif
Thanks to jessica for showing me this technique.
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Document last modified $Date: 1995/04/13 18:26:26 $