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San Francisco Girls Chorus

About the San Francisco Girls Chorus

SAN FRANCISCO GIRLS CHORUS, founded in 1978, is a performing arts organization of more than 300 singers, in six choruses, that has helped to establish choral music for young women's voices as an art form in the United States. The Girls Chorus is praised for its "stunning artistic standard" (San Francisco Chronicle) in performances locally and on tour, and for a music education program that the California Arts Council has called "a model in the country for training girls' voices." The Girls Chorus reaches an average of 100,000 Bay Area residents each year in more than 90 performances, both ticketed and free.

The San Francisco Girls Chorus is funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, the California Arts Council, and Grants for the Arts of the San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund.

The Directors are: Sharon J. Paul, Artistic Director; June Wiley, Executive Director; and Elizabeth Avakian, Chorus School Director.

A list of upcoming are summarized below, by date. You may click on any of the dates to find out more about that event. To view all of the upcoming events, click here

Chorus Events

June 2, 1995 -UN50 Celebration Concert Commemorating the 50th Anniversaries of the End of World War II and the Signing of the United Nations Charter

July 26, 1995-Alumnae Chorus Concert

For tickets or more information, call 415-673-1511 or email: sfgc@3pco.net

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Updated 5/11/95 2:25 PM PDT