(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Advanced Computing Laboratory
About the ACL:
- Information about the Advanced Computing Laboratory.
ACL Projects:
- An overview of some of the projects being pursued at the ACL.
The ACL Staff:
- An introduction to and information about the ACL staff.
ACL User's Guide
- Information about the ACL's various computing resources and how to
access them.
- ACL User Forms
- ACL renewal forms.
ACL Security and Use Guide
- Information about computer security and usage regulations at the ACL.
Accessible only from ACL nodes.
Other fun or useful links
- Usage statistics, generated by Thomas
Boutell's wusage 3.0.2.
- The MPEG animation of the ACL logo
- Main LANL Web server
- Advanced Computing Lab
- MS B287
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Los Alamos, NM, 87544