Albertson College of Idaho is a private, liberal arts institution located in Caldwell. Founded as The College of Idaho in 1891, Albertson is home to about 800 undergraduates and is the state's oldest four-year institution of higher learning.
Caldwell is a city of more than 20,000 located about 30 minutes from Boise, Idaho's booming capital and home to first-class cultural events, shopping, entertainment and restaurants. The campus is also a short drive away from mountains, desert and whitewater rivers.
The College's curriculum is firmly grounded in the liberal arts and sciences and the institution has been nationally recognized for its academic programs. In fall 1992 and again in fall 1993, Albertson was named the fourth best regional liberal arts college in the West by U.S. News & World Report magazine. It is also listed in the current edition of the book Barron's Best Buys in College Education.
Last Modified: Friday, 17-Mar-95 13:11:05 MST