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MacForum Home Page...

MacForum'95 ... ------

Just WHAT IS "MacForum"?

N.B. (note well)

MacForum Information

Upcoming Meetings:

In room 120 Baker Systems (unless otherwise shown).
Meeting	From  1:30 to 3:30 	TOPIC: APPLE:Multimedia

You Can Use
MAY Meeting	From  1:30 to 3:30 	TOPIC: Apple-Overview of New Mac WWW Server
JUNE Meeting	From  1:30 to 3:30 	TOPIC: MultiMedia - the next steps
[15Jun95]					Presented by Apple
JULY Meeting		- 20Jul95
AUGUST Meeting		- 17Aug95
SEPTEMBER Meeting	- 21Sep95
OCTOBER Meeting		- 19Oct95
NOVEMBER Meeting	- 16Nov95
DECEMBER Meeting	- 21Dec95  (*** PARTY Time!!)

Items of INTEREST:

Reports from APPLE

  1. Bookslate authoring tool.
  2. ComputerWorld DOS card review.
  4. Apple announced three new PowerPC Servers
  5. Support Professional Solution Series
  6. Virtual Campus for Medical School
  7. 'DOS on Mac' Card; Summary Info on DOS Card
  8. New Medical Imaging Software
  9. TBR-soon! QuickTime Video Conferencing
  10. TBR-soon! QuickDraw 3D
  11. TBR-soon! Power Macs & Monitors

    Note: TBR-To Be Removed

FTP(able) Items -- Please Note: These items ARE placed on YOUR computer's hard disk.

  1. e.World DEMO from Apple
  2. OSU Departmental Prices
  3. MacForum Disk(s) of the Month
NOTE: In order to use this disk image you need to process it with Apple's DiskCopy routine [ Disk Copy 4.2 sea hqx <-- look for it on this page] OR by using the FreeWare product - ShrinkWrap.

Reports from our members

  • A copy of the NEW (1.1N vers.) of NetScape compliments of Richard Wofford.
  • Update about Adobe Acrobat & Using it with a browser.
  • From Jim Gaynor Network Browsers - recent updates.
  • From Bill Miller (thru John Cook) Adobe ACROBAT and the "GX Extension"!! & more.

  • Prices at The Ohio State University
    Departmental Collegiate List
    Departmental Six-pack & Individual specials
    Personal Hardware Collegiate List
    Software from the BookStore Computer Dept.

    "Useful(?)" Information
  • The "ROADMAP" Lessons from Oct.1994
  • ---> Alternate ROADMAP (If other is TOO busy!)
  • NetSurfer Digest {Have a LOOK at this "E-Zine"}
  • The OSU Home Page HOME! Your best port in a stormy surf.
    Index - of UseNet F A Q's from The Ohio State University to WWW
    So WHAT IS "Mosaic"?

    Please do not e-mail developers in this area. It is "experimental". If you have any suggestions or comments send them to George M. Koval [GMK+@osu.edu].

    OR send comments and suggestions to GMK+@osu.edu directly.

    rev. 950420.1225