(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Microsoft Windows NT Users Group
Northern California Microsoft Windows NT Users Group Information
Call 415.573.4977x9500 for directions
Windows NT Users Group meeting dates for 1995:
February 8th, 9am to 12pm
- Mike Drennan of Microsoft Corporation giving a hands on lab in DHCP.
- Randy Dugger of Liposone showing how to WAN with Shiva LanRover and ISDN.
April 4th, 9am to 12pm
- Jane Shea with Citrix Systems showing WINview remote control server.
- Netpower with SMP Servers for Windows NT.
- Mike Drennan of Microsoft Corporation with his bag of tricks.
June 6th, 9am to 12pm
- Andy Swett and Terry Holland of Tektronix showing WinDD, an NT service that allows Unix X-servers Windows NT sessions on a remote NT unit!
- And, of course, Mike Drennan with something better than Bob.
August 1st, 9am to 12pm
October 3rd, 9am to 12pm
December 5th, 9am to 12pm
Action Systems Incorporated.
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