SF Bay Internet Service Providers List DATE: 9 June 1995 This list is posted bi-weekly in the following newsgroups: ba.internet, alt.internet.services, and alt.internet.access.wanted. This list was formerly maintained by Michael Perry . It is now maintained by Gary E. Miller A list of abbreviations used in this list is at the bottom of this document. Name Phone Number Email --------------------------------------------------------------------- A2i Communications 408-293-8078 (V) support@rahul.net POPs: 408/293-9010, 415/364-5652 (G) http://www.rahul.net/ (dialup, slip/ppp, and uqwk download) telnet to rahul.net; login as "guest" for info Hosts: SunOS 4.1.3_U1 Connectivity: cix ------------------------------------------------------------ Ablecom Networks 408/280-1000 support@ablecom.net (Personal SLIP/PPP, $25/mo + usage) http://www.ablecom.net/ats-pnc.html Setup: $25 Connectivity: mainstreet --------------------------------------------------------------- Access Infosystems 707-422-1034 (voice) info@community.net (PPP $25+/mo) http://community.net/community POPs: 707-422-1250, 707-258-3300, 510-372-4280 Hosts: SunOS Setup: $0 Connectivity: tlg ------------------------------------------------------------------- AENET 408-749-0501 bob@arasmith.com (SLIP/PPP $25+/mo) http://www.arasmith.com/aenet Hosts: SunOS 4.1.3_U1 Setup: $100+ Connectivity: tlg ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aimnet Corporation 408-257-0900 x42 (V) info@aimnet.com POPs: 408, 415, 510 http://www.aimnet.com/ (shell, SLIP/PPP, ISDN, FR, T1, domain name, WWW, $20+/mo, all V.34) HOSTs: SPARC, Pentium/BSDI Setup: $25+ Connectivity: mci, sprint ----------------------------------------------------------------- APlatform 415 917-9197 (D) support@aplatform.com http://www.aplatform.com/ Local calls from: Los Altos, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Campbell, Santa Clara, Belmont, San Carlos, Saratoga, Sunnyvale, Woodside, and parts of San Jose. (shell accounts, Virtual WWW host, SLIP/PPP, 28.8k on all lines) Hosts: i486, Linux 1.2.0 Connectivity: pagesat -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bay Area Internet Solutions 408-447-8690 (V) info@bayarea.net 408-447-8691 (F) http://www.bayarea.net (56K to T1, FR, 28.8, SLIP/CSLIP/PPP. Web colocation & space development.) Hosts: NetBSD/i386 Connectivity: MCI -------------------------------------------------------------------- Beckemeyer Development 510/530-9637 (voice) info@bdt.com (SLIP/PPP, $5+/month, and more) HOSTs: SunOS Setup: $20 Connectivity: tlg ----------------------------------------------------------------- Best Internet 415-964-2378 (V) info@best.com 415-691-4195 (F) www: http://www.best.com (All lines are v.34, static IP, FR, Shell & SLIP/PPP $30/mo) Fees: $30/month, $30/setup, $0/hourly Connectivity: mci, net99 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Borwankar R&D 510-653-8394 (?) newsinfo@borwankar.com (Customized filtered newsfeeds by e-mail, 3-10$ a month) Hosts: Linux 1.1.59 Connectivity: nbn -------------------------------------------------------------------- BTR Communications 415-966-1429 (V) support@btr.com (Shell only) POPs: 415-967-9385 Hosts: SunOS Fees: $15/month Connectivity: internex -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bungi Communications 408/254-7111 (V) dlr@bungi.com (uucp, news and email, dns, mx svcs) (No SLIP/PPP, or shell accounts available) (Fees unchanged since 1987: Free setup, no payments required at all) Hosts: System V Connectivity: internex --------------------------------------------------------------------- California Chatline 510/232-0847 (data) (BBS, email, and usenet) (Bay Area Computer Currents) Connectivity: ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- California Internet 510/658-2177 (V) ?@california.com POPs: 408-374-2098,415-391-7180,510-596-9977 (MajorBBS, shell $9+/mo, email, and usenet) Hosts: MajorBBS Connectivity: tlg --------------------------------------------------------------------- California Online info@calon.com Name changed to West Coast Online, see that listing. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CASTLES Information Network 1-800-WEB-MENOW mking@sparc1.castles.com 707-422-5265 (F), 707-429-9789 (B) http://www.castles.com/ POPs: 707, 916 (SLIP/PPP, 56-T1, ISDN, Fees: $0+/setup, $25+/monthly Hosts: System V R4.0, sparc1 Connectivity: nbn --------------------------------------------------------------------- CCnet 510/988-0680 (V) info@ccnet.com POPs: 408-467-1450, 510: 355-3030, 419-3600, 473-2160, 988-7140 (G) (dialup, slip/ppp) Offers: Ventana Press Book w/ Netmanage TCP/IP, Internet in a Box $39 Fees: $25+/setup, $20+/monthly Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: cerf, mci --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cerfnet 800-762-2373 sales@cerf.net http://www.cerf.net/ Fees: $50+/setup, $20+/monthly Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: cerf --------------------------------------------------------------------- Community Access 510/777-1314 (data) (BBS, email and usenet) (Bay Area Computer Currents) Connectivity: ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Community ConneXion 510-601-9777 (V) info@c2.org 510-601-9734 (F) admin@c2.org POP: 510-658-6376, 415, or telnet to c2.org (G) http://www.c2.org/ (dialup, shell, SLIP, SLiRP, domains, anonymity) Fees: Shell: $10/month, $27/3 months, $45/6 months Web: $0.25/week for every 500 accesses greater than 2000 SLIP: $20/month, $20 startup (Include shell) Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: tlg --------------------------------------------------------------------- CRL 415/705-6060 (V) info@crl.com POPs: 415: 225-0302,389-8649,367-0706,461-1173,574-9001,705-6060,917-9995 POPs: 510: 232-7114,430-8501,603-2700 POPs: 707: 571-2100,746-0480,794-7150 (shell, SLIP, does not offer uqwk dl) Hosts: SunOS Fees: $50/setup, $19.50+/month Connectivity: SMDS: cix, T3:AGIS,ANS,Alternet,Compuserve,Databank,GEONET Connectivity: T3: MCI,Net99,PCH,PSI,PacBell,Sprint,vBNS/MCI ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cruzio Comm 408-338-7801 (V) support@cruzio.com (services unknown) Hosts: System V Release 3.2 Connectivity: scruz ---------------------------------------------------------------- datatamers.com 415.364.7919 (V/F) admin@datatamers.com POPs: 415-364-6674 (G) http://datatamers.com/ Hosts: Linux 1.1.51 Connectivity: tlg --------------------------------------------------------------------- Delphi 800/365-4636 (D) cs@delphi.com 800-695-4005 (V) (Internet Access, SIGs, etc) Connectivity: near.net -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Diamond Lane 510-293-0633 (V) support@tdl.com POPs: 510:293-0623,462-7147,837-9629 http://www.tdl.com/ Fees: $25+/setup, $30+/month Hosts: Linux 1.2.5 connectivity tlg -------------------------------------------------------------------- Direct Network Access 510/649-6110 support@dnai.com http://www.dnai.com/ (dial up, SLIP/PPP. Offers windows programs for slip access) a.k.a. surf Fees: $30/setup, $25+/month Hosts: ? Connectivity: tlg --------------------------------------------------------------------- DSP Communications 510-522-8516 (V) http://dsp.com/ POPs: 510-865-9778 (G) Hosts: MajorBBS Connectivity: calon --------------------------------------------------------------------- Duck Pond Public Unix 408/249-9630,1,2 (D) postmaster@quack.kfu.com POPs: 408-249-9630 (G) http://www.kfu.com/ (dialup only) a.k.a. Kentucky Fried Unix Hosts: SunOS Fees: $10/month Host: SunOS 4.1.3 Connectivity: scruznet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Easynet For info, gopher bobe@easynet.com easynet.com (slip accounts) Hosts: ? Connectivity: mci ---------------------------------------------------------------- Electriciti ?@eclectriciti.com POPs: 408, 415, 707 (offers diskette with slip connection, slip software and tools for 280.00 per year) Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: alter -------------------------------------------------------------------- emf.net (510)704-2929 info@emf.net http://www.emf.net/ (shell, SLIP/PPP, business, WWW) Fees: $20/setup, $20/month Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: mci -------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Internet 415/922-9115 (voice?) info@global.net (dialup, SLIP/PPP) telnet to global.net for more info Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: sprint -------------------------------------------------------------------- Holonet/IAT 510/704-0160 (V) info@holonet.net POPs: 510-704-1058 (G) info@iat.com (please call via modem for more info) Fees: $75/setup, $6+/month Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: sprint --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hooked 415-343-1233 staff@hooked.net http://www.hooked.net/ (MS Windows interface. includes mosaic-type graphical browser.) Fees: $15+/month Hosts: BSDI BSD/386 1.1 Connectivity: sprint --------------------------------------------------------------------- Idiom Consulting 510/644-0441 (V) info@idiom.com (Dialup and dedicated unix shell and PPP) http://www.idiom.com Hosts: FreeBSD Connectivity: tlg ------------------------------------------------------------ ImagiNET 510-426-0470 (D) ? Connectivity: ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- INFOSERV Connections 408/243-2102 (D) postmaster@infoserv.com (Email, Usenet, Software archives) Hosts: FreeBSD Connectivity: barrnet ---------------------------------------------------------------- Institute for Global Communications (415)442-0220 (V) ?@igc.org telnet igc.apc.org, login as "new" Connectivity: barrnet ---------------------------------------------------------------- Int'l Online Services 415/391-4013 (data) not known Connectivity: ? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection, The 408-461-INET (V) info@ico.net http://www.ico.net Hosts: System V Release 3.2 Connectivity: tlg ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Mainstreet, The 415/941-1068 (V) info@mainstreet.net http://www.mainstreet.net/ ([corporate/LAN] ISDN, Centrex-IS, T1, FT1, 10Mbps, T3) POPs in Santa Clara, San Jose, Sunnyvale and Mountain View. Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: agis, cix, net99, backup to Aimnet --------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Power Connection, The info@ipc.net (ISDN only, from $278/month) http://www.ipc.net/ Connectivity: net99 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Public Access Corp 408-532-1000 info@ipac.net http://www.ipac.net/ Fees: $85/setup, $50+/month Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: pagesat --------------------------------------------------------------------- Internex 415/473-3060 (?) info@internex.net (various access, ISDN) Hosts: System V Release 4.0 Connectivity: cix ------------------------------------------------------------ InterServe Communications 415-328-4333 (V) info@interserve.com http://interserve.com/ POPs: local San Carlos to Sunnyvale (PPP, WWW, ISDN, all v.34, T1, 56k, FR, UUCP. MX) (Personal PPP $30 flat/mn ($25 set-up), Hosts: OSF/1 Connectivity: UUnet ------------------------------------------------------------ ISP Networks 408/653-0100 (voice) info@isp.net POPs: 408-653-0110 http://www.isp.net/ (Dailup and Dedicated servicese: UUCP,SLIP/PPP,ISDN,56k,T1 Other services: domain, mail,ftp and Web) Fees: $35/setup, $20+/month Connectivity: scruz -------------------------------------------------------------------- KudoNet 408-231-9711 (P) info@kudonet.com POPs: 408-245-4590, 408-559-8681, 510-657-9480 http://www.kudonet.com (V.34, V.fc, Shell $15/mo, SLIP/PPP $29/mo) Host: Sparc20 Connectivity: scruz -------------------------------------------------------------------- LanMinds 510-843-6389 (V) info@lanminds.com http://www.lanminds.com/ Area covered: SF, Oakland, Berkeley, Richmond, Walnut Creek, Mill Valley, San Rafael ... (SLIP/PPP, UUCP, ISDN, FR, WWW, MX, consulting) Host: SunOS Connectivity: tlg -------------------------------------------------------------------- Linex Communications 415/455-1650 (Voice) info@linex.com POPs: 415-455-1655, 510-883-2000 http://linex.com/ (slip/ppp, dial up access) Host: NeXT Mach Fees: $25/setup, $25+/month Connectivity: nbn ----------------------------------------------------------------- Market.net 415-335-2484 connect-info@market.net http://market.net/ (SLIP/PPP) Fees: $150/setup, $70/month Hosts: Linex 1.1.95 Connectivity: tlg ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mednet San Francisco pete@mednet.net (high bandwidth connections for hospitals) Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: internet-direct ----------------------------------------------------------------- Media City 415-321-6800 http://www.media.com/ (SLIP/PPP) POPs: 408, 415, 510 Fees: $25/setup, $7.95+/month Connectivity: sprint ----------------------------------------------------------------- MEERNET 415/428-7111 (voice) info@meer.net (PPP 28.8, WWW, co-location) http://www.meer.net/ Fees: $25/setup, $25+/month Host: IRIX System V.4 Connectivity: tlg --------------------------------------------------------------------- NETCOM 800-353-6600 (V) info@netcom.com UNIX shell access ($30 setup, $17.50/month by cc) NetCruiser MS Windows frontend ($25 setup, $19.95/month by cc) Telnet to netcom.com; login as "guest" for more info. Netcom doesn't offer SLIP, but does offer network connections. Host: SunOS Connectivity: cix ------------------------------------------------------------ Netgate Comm 408-565-9601 (V) sales@netgate.net (Personal SLIP/PPP Accounts) http://www.netgate.net/ Fees: $20+/month Host: Apple Computer A/UX Connectivity: mainstreet --------------------------------------------------------------------- Network Solutions, Inc 408-946-6895 (V) postmaster@inow.com POPs: 408-956-7940 (G) (shell, PPP/SLIP) Host: SCO i386 Connectivity: psi --------------------------------------------------------------------- North Bay Network 415/472-1600 (voice) info@nbn.com (slip/ppp and more) http://www.nbn.com/ POPs: San Rafel, Nicasio, Rohnert Park Fees: $50/setup, $25+/month Connectivity: mci, tlg ------------------------------------------------------------- Norcov info@norcov.com (SLIP, PPP) http://norcov.com/ Fees: $50/setup, $25/month Connectivity: dnai ------------------------------------------------------------- Pacific Internet 707-468 1005 (V) http://www.pacific.net Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: nbn ------------------------------------------------------------- Performance Systems 800-827-7482 (V) info@psi.com International http://www.psi.net/ (PSI)/PSINet http://www.interramp.com/ (T3, 10Mbps, T1, FT1, 56k, ISDN & v.32bis PPP (both personal and corporate/LAN). Local access in San Francisco, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, San Ramon and Orinda) (Acquired Pipeline Feb, 1995) Host: SunOS Connectivity: cix -------------------------------------------------------------------- PageSat 415/424-0384 (V) norman@pagesat.net (internet plus satellite access and more) Host: SunOS Connectivity: cerf --------------------------------------------------------------------- Prodigy postmaster@prodigy.com Connectivity: ans --------------------------------------------------------------------- Portal 408/973-9111 (voice) info@portal.com http://www.portal.com/ (dialup, SLIP/PPP, telnet to portal.com; login as "guest") Fees: $19.95/setup, $19.95+/month Hosts: SunOS Connectivity: barrnet -------------------------------------------------------------------- QuakeNet 415/655-6607 info@quake.net admin@quake.net http://www.quake.net/ (T1, 56k, FR, ISDN, 28.8 modems, SLIP/PPP. Web space, domain and uucp.) Fees: $25/setup, $9.95+/month Host: BSDI BSD/386 1.1 Connectivity: tlg --------------------------------------------------------------------- SCRUZ.NET 408/457-5050 (voice) info@scruz.net 800-319-555 (V) (full access, dialup, slip/ppp) Fees: $12.50/setup, $25+/month Host: SunOS Connectivity: tlg, net99 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sensemedia Online 408/335-9670 (voice) sm@picosof.com info@sensemedia.net http://sensemedia.net/ (SLIP/PPP, reasonable rates) Fees: $20/month Host: IRIX System V.4 Connectivity: scruz --------------------------------------------------------------------- SFNet 415/824-8747 info@sfnet.com (Coffee House and Cafe email, many more access numbers - check Bay Area Computer Currents) Connectivity: ? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sirius Connections 415/284-4700 (voice) info@sirius.com ftp://ftp.sirius.com http://www.sirius.com (flat rate SLIP/PPP) POPs: 415-284-4701 (G) Fees: $25/setup, $15/month Host: Next Mach Connectivity: tlg ------------------------------------------------------------------- SLIP.Net 415-281-4447 (V) info@slip.net sales@slip.net POPs: 415-356-8200 http://www.slip.net/ (SLIP/PPP accounts w/reasonable flat rate fee) Fees: $30/month, $19.95/month Host: SunOS Connectivity: barrnet --------------------------------------------------------------- Sonoma Interconnect ?@sonic.net POPs: 707-528-8748 (login: new) Affordable shell access - $12 per month - TIA support. Telnet: sonic.net (login: new) Connectivity: nbn (wco?) -------------------------------------------------------------------- South Valley Internet 408-683-4533 info@garlic.com (dialup, slip/ppp) Fees: PPP $25/setup, $20/month Connectivity: tlg --------------------------------------------------------------------- Space BBS 415-323-6338 (V) owneh@iserver.spacebbs.com (BBS access) Host: PCBoard Connectivity: barrnet --------------------------------------------------------------------- Surf Communications, Inc. 800.499.1517 (V) info@expressway.com http://www.expressway.com/ (ISDN, shell) a.k.a. dnai.com Connectivity: tlg --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pipeline/ ?@pipeline.com Hooked MS Windows interface. Local connection available on hooked.net. Email staff@hooked.net for more info. This info provided by hooked.net on 27 June 94. New interface due out 15 Nov 94 will include mosaic-type graphical browser. Connectivity: ans --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Little Garden 415/487-1902 (voice) info@tlg.org (Full access, T1, 56K, modem based dialup) http://tlg.org/ Fees: $25/setup, $25+/month Connectivity: mci, sprint ------------------------------------------------------------------- UUNET 800-488-6383 or 703-206-5600 (V) info@uu.net 703/206-5601 (F) http://www.uu.net (SLIP/PPP, 56k, ISDN, FR, FT1, T1, 10Mbps, T3 UUCP, WWW, Security Products/Consulting) host: SunOS 4.1 Connectivity: We *are* AlterNet. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Value Net Internetwork Services 510-943-5769 (V) bclite@veenet.value.net 510-210-1708 (F) POPs: 510-210-2000 (G, password: guest) (shell, SLIP/PPP, ISDN, all 28.8) Host: BSDI BSD/OS 2.0 Connectivity: tlg -------------------------------------------------------------------- VIAnet Communications 415-903-2242 (V) info@via.net (SLIP/PPP, dialup access) http://www.via.net/ POPs: 415-969-1387 Fees: $25/setup, $45/month Host: SunOS Connectivity: tlg --------------------------------------------------------------------- Viper 1 510-535-0786 (V) viperhlp@cns.org POPs: 510-535-0231 (BBS with full internet access, shell $14/mnth, PPP $24/mnth) Connectivity: barrnet --------------------------------------------------------------------- Web Professionals, Inc. (408)865-0899 info@professionals.com http://professionals.com (WWW, business dial-up, PPP, ISDN) Fees: $30/setup, $20+/month Hosts: System V Release 4.0 Connectivity: internex(?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Well 415/332-6106 (D)(G) info@well.com (Internet Access, SIGs, software, no SLIP/PPP) Fees: $15/month Host: System V Release 4.0 Connectivity: barrnet --------------------------------------------------------------------- West Coast Online 707-586-3060 (V) info@wco.com 408-946-2108 (V) POPs: 408-942-1780, 415-331-4092, 510-232-0847, 707-586-5250 (dialup PPP, also 56k, FR, T1) Fees: $20/setup, $25+/month, with 90 hours Host: System V Release 4.2 Connectivity: nbn --------------------------------------------------------------------- Wire A Bay area provider which is now integrating more services. Last I heard, this group has a MS Windows interface. Can be reached via telnet at wwire.net (?). Host: FirstClass Connectivity: barrnet ------------------------------------------------------------------ Wombatnet 415/462-8800 (V) info@batnet.com 415/462-8804 (F) http://www.batnet.com/ (Dialup IP (PPP) accounts) Fees: $45/setup, $25+/month Host: SunOS Connectivity: tlg -------------------------------------------------------------- zNET 619 755-7772 info@znet.com http://www.znet.com (Various user plans; POPs=San Fran to Santa Cruz) Fees: $25/setup, $20+/month Host: NeXT Mach Connectivity: scruz, net99 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Zocalo Engineering 510-540 8000 info@zocalo.net http://www.zocalo.net (T1, FT1, 56k AppleTalk and IP Internet and Branch-Office routing.) Fees: $100/month POPs: 510-540-8006 Host: SunOS Connectivity: tlg --------------------------------------------------------------------- Zoom.Com Information Services 800-9GETZOOM (V) info@zoom.com (shell, SLIP/PPP, 56k) http://www.zoom.com Host: SunOS Connectivity: tlg ------------------------------------------------------------------- The majority of "Internet Access" providers on this list offer a wide variety of services ranging from UUCP/News Feeds to personal Shell or Dial up accounts, to SLIP/PPP type accounts. BBS provide a wide variety of services. This listing is not an endorsement for any provider - use at own risk!! For additional information about providers, check out Computer Currents latest issue. To be included in this list an ISP must meet the following criteria: 1. Have a POP in the SF Bay Area (Area codes 408, 415, 510, 619, 707) 2. Have a full time, dedicated connection to the internet. 3. Provide third party access (free or fee based) to the internet. 4. Tell me about your organization. Abbreviations: 28.8 high speed modem, may be V.34, may be V.fc 56k 56kb leased line FR Frame Relay FT1 fractional T1 leased line ISDN ISDN dial in service MX Mail hosting, a.k.a. Doamin Name Service POPs Data Dial-in phone numbers Shell Access to a unix command shell SLIP Serial Line IP (precursor to PPP) SLiRP shell program to simulate SLIP and/or PPP. PPP Point to Point Protocol T1 T1 leased line (including fractional), up to 1.4 mbits/sec T3 T3 leased line 45 mbits/sec TIA shell program to simulate SLIP and/or PPP. UUCP Unix to Unix CoPy V.fc Rockwell non-standard 28.8kbs modems V.34 ITU standard for 28.8kbs modems WWW WWW hosting (B) BBS Phone Number (D) Data Phone Number (F) Fax Number (G) login as "guest" for more information (P) Pager Phone Number (V) Voice Phone Number