hide random home screenshot http://www.arasmith.com/aenet/index.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)


AEnet is an internet service provider addressing the connectivity needs of those desiring a low bandwidth, inexpensive connection to the internet. AEnet is located in Sunnyvale CA and serves the south bay area.

We are currently not accepting any additional clients. Please check back later.


Full-time dialup SLIP or PPP
This is for individuals that desire fulltime connectivity at 14.4Kb. The customer is responsible for phone line installation and modem purchase on their end of the connection.

Part-time dialup SLIP or PPP
This service is for those wishing connectivity but not needing fulltime access or not wanting to dedicate a phone line. The user will share a phone line and modem with up to 3 other users. There is no per hour charges or maximum connection limit. This works basically on the honor system.

If you would like further information or would like get connected contact Bob Arasmith via any of the following methods:
Determine best path to setup call forwarding phones