hide random home screenshot http://www.armory.com/~crisper/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Daniel "The Elder Dan" Johnson Words cannot express how cool this rendered image is

Crisper Than Thou

There was a major UFO landing (and subsequent cover-up) at Ellsworth Air Force Base, in South Dakota, in August of 1977. I was living on Ellsworth during this time. I was six years old. This is, as near as I can tell, the closest I have ever been to being abducted by extraterrestrial life-- though, of course, my memories of those bygone years are a bit fuzzy and the possibility that I was, in fact, abducted cannot be ruled out entirely.

What's New (5 May 1995) | talk.bizarre | The Scorched Earth | HOTT.BOB
The Friends of Hydrogen Hydroxide | Magic Cap Freeware | The Dream Pages
Dan, half naked, drying out a shirt that says KILL EVERYONE NOW by waving it in the wind

The Panoramic Oahu Mountaintop Picture

In sub-pages, This button is your route back to this page.

Sometimes words fail to describe me, but that has always been the case.

I was a really cute kid.

The best place to find out who I am is talk.bizarre . Yeah, the newsgroup. Yeah, THAT newsgroup, the one that seems like it's a lot of noise and wasted bandwidth. That is one of the places I live. There are two things to do there: Write things, and read things written by other people who also live there.

What I mostly do when not reading talk.bizarre or posting to it is write and compose. Sometimes I write about my life and I'm going through my notebooks to catalog the many dreams I have recorded, but usually I write fiction and the stuff I post to talk.bizarre. Some of my music might eventually hit the net via IUMA, but that is still somewhat distant. Content yourself with my words for now; the sounds will come later.

My blob quotient is 16.54. To calculate your own BQ, take your mass in kilograms and divide it by the square of your height in meters. Yes, I am appallingly thin, now that you mention it.

Maybe you'd like to expose yourself to one of my more pathetic habits.

NEW!!!: I have proof that the word "gullible" is not in the English language!

Two incredible events in one incredible month!

The Huge Outdoorsy Taos Talk.Bizarre Outrageous Blowout (HOTT.BOB)
The Elder Dan Gets Married

FNORD Things to see, Stuff to do, Places to go FNORD

CAVEAT: Content may plummet sharply hereafter.

Perhaps you'd like to see the full (56k) JPEG of the logo at the top of this page. There are also some credits for it and some of the other images you may be seeing on these pages.

Like cats? Make sure you know how to take care of yours. (75K)

You can tour some of your solar system's better neighborhoods.

And, for those of you just love the net because it's crammed full of pictures to look at, you can scope out a fast car (28K), Cindy Crawford (25K), a nifty ray-traced room (84K), and a personal hero of mine, Howard Philips Lovecraft (47K). Never has so much bandwidth been so wasted by so many for so little.

You may also go to the Armory page or you may stare longingly at a 106K picture of the Armory itself.
