
Welcome to AstraNet

From Prodigy Services Company

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[AstraNet with Graphics]

Select this option if you have a high-bandwidth connection, (e.g. Local Area Network, 56Kbs or at least 28.8 dial-up speed). Due to inline images, you may experience delays in receiving pages. However, even before an entire page finishes displaying, your browser may allow you to view portions of the page.

[AstraNet without Graphics]

Select this option if you're using low-speed dial-up access. With modems at speeds below 14.4 bps, graphics may take an exceedingly long time to display. At 14.4 bps, graphics may take up to a minute or longer per page to display. To reduce display time, you can set your browser to not display graphics and then select [AstraNet with Graphics] from above. At this point everything will appear in text format, however by resetting your browser, you will have the ability to view graphics when you like.

Suggested Page-Viewing Format

Your World Wide Web browser probably allows you to change fonts and other display elements. We recommend you set your fonts so that Header 1 is largest in size, Header 2 is next largest and so on. This will ensure that headlines and text appear in proper proportion.

Copyright (c) 1994 Prodigy Services Company and/or respective information providers