(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Centre for Atmospheric Science
Welcome to the Centre for Atmospheric Science (
chemistry department)
in the University of Cambridge, UK.
Any highlighted or underlined word or phrase is a link to another document
which may or may not be on this server. To view the document, simply click
on that word or phrase.
Here are the usage statistics
for our server.
What's new
on the Web, both local and world-wide.
Miscellaneous stuff. BBC TV, games, USENET FAQs, UK govt., National
Lottery etc.
Other places to visit
We also have a list of
local, UK and World-Wide
servers. If you want to explore or search the Internet this list is a good
place to start.
A complete list of other
Meteorology information is also available (e.g. databases, conferences
etc). This includes pointers to all meteorology related information world-wide.
The latest Guide to Cyberspace is now
available locally.
The Whole Internet
Catalog has a complete listing of the resources you can find on the web.
This is part of the
Global Network Navigator which is a very useful starting place for roaming
the InterNet.
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