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The ATM Forum
The ATM Forum

The ATM Forum is a worldwide organization, aimed at promoting ATM within the industry and the end user community.

Formed in October 1991, with four (4) members, the ATM Forum membership currently includes more than 500 companies representing all sectors of the communications and computer industries, as well as a number of government agencies, research organizations and users.

The tremendous success of the ATM Forum is a strong endorsement of ATM as a technology for the future. Bringing together the best points of TDM and Packet Switching, ATM provides a versatile, multifunctional platform that can support a variety of services and traffic types. In addition, ATM also offers scaleability that is difficult to match with other, traditional solutions. These capabilities make ATM popular across a wide spectrum of vendors, carriers, and end users.

For more information contact info@atmforum.com

Introducing the ATM Forum

The ATM Forum Newsletter

ATM Forum Fax-On-Demand Service

Membership Information

Committees & Organizations

Press Releases

Educational Module: ATM Basics

End User Focus Group: Request for Feedback

Application/Middleware Vendor Survey

"MOCK ATM RFI" White Paper

ATM Forum's: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Specifications Order Form

Jason Dominguez
On-Line Publishing Specialist