Welcome to ...
http://www.aurora.net/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
auroraNET is the premiere Internet service provider, targeted towards business and the discriminating individual. Our high speed T1 connection to the Internet allows you to reach more sites and gather more information in less time. Our customers tell us they love our service because they never get a busy signal and we are quick to answer their questions.
We want you to be our customer. To join auroraNET fax, E-mail or call:
Randy - rstuppard@disc-net.com +1 (604) 294-4357 ext. 101
John - jcryer@disc-net.com +1 (604) 294-4357 ext. 115
Fax +1 (604) 294-0107
Faxback-on-line documents +1 (604) 294-4357 ext. 217
Some interesting sites:
BC Archives
- The British Columbia Archives and Records Service.
- A list of almost 500 companies with stuff to sell you.
Canada, True North Strong and Free
- The Unofficial Canadian Home Page.
Designed Information Systems Corporation (DISC)
- Local and Wide Area Network Solution Provider.
Dun & Bradstrect
- The people who bring you business credit policies and practices.
Explorer Software
- Software for the Construction Industry.
- Information management solutions for business on the Internet.
- Internet marketing specialists right here in Vancouver!
IWA + Community Credit Union
- The IWA + Community Credit Union
- Vancouver's own Savings Credit Union
Internet Business Center
- A great way to determine which businesses are out on the net today.
- If you like Mosaic as a web browser. you'll love NetScape.
The Pacific Information Exchange
- A Vancouver-based Web Mall.
Toy Store
- Some toys for the kid in each of us.
- The creators of Eudora, a terrific e-mail package.
Rocket Science
- Wired magazine loves it. you may too!
- Internet-in-a-box software makers.
Viscount Communication and Control Systems
- a Division of BC TEL Services, Inc.
Other Business Directories
- Updated by webmaster@aurora.net on April 10th, 1995