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Sunnyvale Singers Home Page

Sunnyvale Singers

Welcome! The 45-voice Sunnyvale Singers present classical and contemporary choral music, holding concerts twice a year at the Sunnyvale Center for the Performing Arts.

After our final concert June 11, the Singers will take a summer break. Rehearsals begin on September 5 for our winter semester. Watch this site for our winter concert dates and an invite to the Singers' September Picnic!

The Singers also perform at local retirement homes, shopping malls, and for South Bay events such as the recent opening ceremonies for highway 85; please call us to hire the Singers for your own event. The choir makes periodic concert tours abroad, the most recent being a trip to Eastern Europe in the summer of 1993.

Anyone is welcome to join the group, which rehearses Tuesday nights from 7:30 to 9:45 PM at Homestead High School in Cupertino. The choir is a co-sponsored organization of the City of Sunnyvale Parks and Recreation Department.

For more information about the group, please browse our web pages! Or fill in the Tell Me More form.


Upcoming Concerts | Director | Join Us! | Sounds of the Singers | Notations

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