(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Dorothy Day House
Dorothy Day House
Dorothy Day House is a Catholic Worker community in Berkeley, California, USA.
Seven days a week, we serve breakfast in People's Park, near the University of
California at Berkeley, to the poor and homeless members of our community. We
began our service in 1984, cooking in the kitchen of St. Mary Magdalen Church and
serving in People's Park, then in People's Cafe, and once again outdoors in the Park.
We now work from the Veterans Building kitchen, in a shelter run by the City of
Berkeley. Although all work continues to be done by volunteers, our financial need
has grown since we now serve two breakfasts: one at the shelter, the other in the
Park. It is our desire to open a House of Hospitality as a concrete expression of our
commitment to the poor and homeless among us.
To learn more about Dorothy Day House, please refer to:
Thank you.
A public service of Cypress Consulting.