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Providers of Commercial Internet Access (POCIA)

Providers of Commercial Internet Access

Last updated on 3 June 1995

"POCIA is the most exhaustive, accurate, and up-to-date listing of Internet providers I've seen on the World Wide Web." - Jim Lippard, Primenet

POCIA has been available since August 1994 and is sponsored by ISP Networks. We are extremely grateful for their generous donation of web space. If you have comments, suggestions, or would like to be included in this directory, email me at pocia@celestin.com. It does not cost anything to be listed, so if you know an Internet provider you don't see here, please let me know. Thanks for your support!

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The information in this directory is provided as-is and without any expressed or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You may use the information in this directory for non-commercial purposes only. Contact us if you wish to use the directory for a commercial purpose.

All of the information in this directory was supplied to Celestin Company directly by the service providers and is subject to change without notice. Celestin Company does not endorse any of the providers in this directory. If you do not see a provider listed for your area, please do not ask us about it, as we only know about providers in this directory. This directory is brought to you as a public service. Celestin Company does not receive any compensation from the providers listed here. Since Internet service providers come and go, and frequently change their offers, we strongly urge you to contact them for additional information and/or restrictions.

The Providers of Commercial Internet Access (POCIA) Directory is Copyright (C) 1994-1995 by Celestin Company, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this directory is provided as-is and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Hosted by ISP Networks An Internet Service Provider, webmaster@isp.net