Nadine, the magazine that wishes it were a band, is a non-profit excuse for a party registered with the Yale Dean of Student Affairs. Yale University is not responsible for its contents. To find out who is responsible, see the masthead.
You have reached Nadine's online electrosphere. Some of our back issues are here. There's probably some other stuff here; go ahead and poke around. Everything is still under construction, and since we didn't publish past issues with an eye towards their easy electrification, some things are missing. Todd Polenberg is now the primary maintainer of these pages, so mail him ( if anything is broken, or if you have suggestions. Mail Todd if you like this bitzone; mail him if you don't. Mail Todd just to let him know you care. He is very nice, and has nice hair as well. Or write to us at P.O. Box 202365, New Haven, CT 06520.
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