hide random home screenshot http://www.ciwemb.edu/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

CIW Home Page

Welcome to Carnegie Institution's Department of Embryology!

This server is currently under construction so the amount of information that is actually Carnegie-related is minimal (i.e. lots of links to other places). Please check back frequently.

About Carnegie...

Mr. Carnegie's Idea

  • A brief history of the Institution and a few highlights from each of the Institution's five departments.

    The Department of Embryology...

  • We are located on a corner of the Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus. The Department consists of eight Staff Members, four Staff Associates, about forty postdocs, and thirty-five to forty support staff (technicians, lab aides, maintenance personnel, and administrative staff). A list of the Department's scientific staff, their research summaries and an email address list is available (hoping to have the search script working soon!). You may access, via anonymous ftp, the Embryology FTP Server and retrieve information about the FireLab Expression Vectors.

    Where do I begin...?

    Biological and medical information

    Johns Hopkins University


    Other Biological Sites

    Please send any comments or questions about the server to
    Last updated March 28, 1995 (but always in progress!)