hide random home screenshot http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
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University of Cambridge Computer Lab

This is the home page at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. Our official World Wide Web server is www.cl.cam.ac.uk. In addition, here is an unofficial server being run by Quentin Stafford-Fraser.

To keep up to date with what is happening on the server, keep an eye on the recent changes page.

Local information

For users in cl.cam.ac.uk only:




The Outside World

Mosaic and The Web

There is a good introduction to Mosaic on the NCSA Mosaic Home Page, including the Mosaic demo document and what's new on the web, some starting points for Internet Exploration and a meta-index.

Selected UK sites

Please send suggestions for what might be included on this page to webmaster@cl.cam.ac.uk. As well as completely new ideas, we would also like feedback about things you like in the unofficial server which you would like to be fully supported.