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CLAS at UF Home Page

Welcome to the University of Florida
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


The CLAS Baccalaureate program will be held Friday, May 5th at 5:00 PM in the University Auditorium. There will be a section reserved for faculty. Faculty are asked to assemble on the West Lawn for the procession into the auditorium. President Lombardi will be part of the program.

Web Resources

Search Tools

Another way to get around the Web is by searching. Most search facilities are still experimental. Here's The World Wide Web Worm, Archie, Lycos, WebCrawler and The JumpStation. GNN is the Global Network Navigator.

Hierarchical Indices

Hierarchical indices organize information on the web using various categorical schemes. Here are the W3 Subject Index, W3 Servers by country, The Internet Resources Meta-Index, Internet WebText, Einet Galaxy, Yahoo index from Stanford and Joel's index

Status of this server

This is the World Wide Web server for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida. We have a list of what's new as well as our server statistics. Send comments to www@clas.ufl.edu

Last modified: Mon Apr 24 10:51:16 1995