(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Computational Logic, Inc.
1717 W. 6th St., Suite 290
Austin, TX 78703-4776
Voice: (512)322-9951
FAX: (512)322-0656
Computational Logic Inc. (CLI) performs advanced research and
development in mathematical modeling of digital hardware and software
systems. CLI's service objectives are
- to develop mathematical modeling technology for digital systems,
- to develop mechanical theorem provers and other software tools to apply
the technology effectively in engineering practice, and
- to supply the technology to the computing industry.
This technology is intended to enable the production of higher quality
systems with reduced time and cost.
In addition to research and development, CLInc provides education and consulting services in applying
mathematical modeling of hardware and software systems to industrial
Web servers containing further pointers to information on Mathematical
Modeling of digital systems:
Web servers of interest to those in the Austin area:
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