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CreaCon Presents: _The Quality Wave_

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...and join the Quest for Quality.

Copyright © 1994 Creacon Enterprises

"Knowledge divides up the world, wisdom makes it whole."

[Latest Link!] [Surf the QualityWeb] [Dilbert]
The Discipline: (or Zen and the Art of Quality Engineering):

Educational Programs and Resources:

Employment Opportunities:

Support and Assistance:

Surf the QualityWeb:

Herein lies the answer to the MFAQ (Most Frequently Asked Question) in quality.

Welcome [DOST] and [DOST-ASTI]!!
[CreaCon Enterprises] This is an
service of CreaCon.

If you have any questions or comments about anything you see here, or if you have any suggestions or links to add, leave us a note. We really want to hear from you!

Eugenio Dawis, ASQC-CQE <dindo@creacon.com>

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