hide random home screenshot http://www.cs.monash.edu.au/~pringle/bluesbros/faq.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Blues Brothers FAQ Section 1

FAQ for alt.fan.blues-brothers

The rec.arts.movies database on www has some great information on The Blues Brothers. This includes movie credits and trivia.

You can also find out about Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi.

Some information from the rec.arts.movies various lists/faqs is available.

The latest version of this FAQ can be obtained by ftp from

The BLUES BROTHERS Quote List contains most of the movie script.

The following was converted to html by GLen Pringle.

Maintainer of this FAQ: pringle@bruce.cs.monash.edu.au

FAQ for alt.fan.blues-brothers -- FAQ version 21 Sept 94

For Usenet (NetNews for some) newsgroup: alt.fan.blues-brothers

Authors of this FAQ:

Blues Brothers FAQ Section 1

Section 1.1 Introduction to this FAQ

This FAQ was written by ccw4096@ritvax.isc.rit.edu and jmh1686@ritvax.isc.rit.edu originally. After they lost netaccess nobody seemed to be looking after it, so GLen Pringle took over it, since he was maintaining the world wide web version of the FAQ.

The alt.fan.blues-brothers newsgroup is NOT for simply reciting quotes to each other but also to discuss the plot, the actors, the music, the band, and anything else remotely related to the movie.

Most of this FAQ is (currently) a collection of comments and movie lines posted into this newsgroup. All contributions are welcomed. If you see any errors in this file or you have additional information you REALLY want us to see, e-mail it to the following address:

Section 1.2 Table of Contents:

Go to contents.

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