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Backcountry Page

This is the Backcountry Page Under Construction

Probably one of the best places on the net for information (once you get through all of the gear/hunting/mountain bike holy wars) on wilderness and backcountry stuff is rec.backcountry

The following are pages that I have worked out or pointers to other pages with useful/fun information for specific topics related to wilderness travel. Like anything on the Net (or in the WWW) none of this is the work of one person.

Why I am doing this: Probably if you have gotten this far in checking out these pages this might be obvious. If not consider the words of Colin Fletcher or Cole Porter


Stephen R. Johns
Stephen R. Johns' Backcountry page.
rec.boats.paddle FAQs
The rec.boats.paddle archive at rtfm.mit.edu
Distilled Wisdom
The Distilled Wisdom Pages from the news group rec.backcountry
The National Park Service WWW site
The WWW site for the National Park Service (still needs a lot of work)
The Climbing Pages
The WWW pages for rec.climbing
US Geological Survey Home Page
Yes there is a home page for the USGS
The Smoky Mountain School Page
A cooperative effort of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Equipment supplier addresses
A list of equipment suppliers.
The Ten Essentials
A list of the Ten Essential items anyone (and everyone) on a trip should have.
World wide fuel translation chart
A translation chart for fuel names compiled by Mike Buckler
the Bear Essentials Magazine
A magazine published by ORLO that mixes wisdom with humor


(That offer Outdoor/Wilderness programs)
General skills schools
Schools offering programs in wilderness skills and outdoor education.
Wilderness medicine
Schools offerig programs in wilderness medicine.
I don't know how useful this would be on a daily basis but you should be sure to check out the Xerox PARC WWW Map Viewer.

This page was created by colinj@umich.edu