(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Welcome to DigiMark
State-of-the-Art Internet services for businesses and individuals.
Information about DigiMark.
Please visit with some of our esteemed clients:
- Christian Music Online features the finest in inspirational music.
- Virtual Solutions, Inc. Marketing Services for the Next Generation.
- BA*TV is the home of Building America, a weekly television program featuring upcoming and successful businesses in your region.
- Ernst & Young and BA*TV are proud to sponsor the 1995 Entrepreneur Of The Year nomination information.
- The Web of Wonder is your source for available information on the WWW.
- International Development Exchange (IDEX).
- HEPROC: Higher Education Resources.
- DJO Jewelers, Inc. Fine Quality Jewelry.
- UCF InPrint A Weekly Newspaper Serving The University of Central Florida
- Sapphire Press presents UNCAT the electronic catalog of uncataloged titles.
- Learn more about airplanes and flying at the Air Affair.
- InterAccess Technology Corp. offers information design and management services. Take a look at the
Ottawa Tourist. Also
see Concertina,
publishers of dual-media books for children.
- The GlobalMark WEB CyberPages lists Commercial and Personal Web pages.
- Spin some time at the Internet Disc Shoppe.
- Ariel Publishing publishes Inside Basic Magazine.
- UpClose Publishing. Demographic/Economic Products and Information.
- Check out Grubbworm for entertaining info about guitarist Todd Grubbs.
- Visit the GreenGlennWraith Gallery of Operation Crazed Ferret, digital and other mayhem!
- Monterey Services presents The Monterey Peninsula of California.
- Towne Jewelers of Reading, PA.
- The Interstellar Propulsion Society. .3c or Bust.
- World Internet Corporation presents One World Plaza.
- The Rec.Travel Library is the premiere travel and tourism information service on the Internet.
- Turks & Caicos Online Tourist Guide Official Tourist Guide to the Turks & Caicos Islands, one of the last remaining unspoilt paradises in the Caribbean.
- Amazing graphics at Tokyo Net Divers.
- Ophelia Publishing Plant Gene Registry.
- Blue Line Communications Warehouse "Your Data Telecommunications Specialists".
- Cactus Brand Software The home for the RAILS simulator for PCs.
- PaperFree Systems EDI Electronic Data Interchange mapping.
- Internet Liberty Forum Dedicated to spreading the basic values of classical liberalism.
- Maxum Development Corp. features Mac-based Internet server enhancements.
- Cognitec/3rd Force Software presents an electronic book with a unique perspective.
- VirtuREAL Communications Astounding house tour, gallery and demos.
- The Church of God International presents the Twentieth Century WATCH Magazine.
- Oneness to enhance your spirituality.
- Pride Office Products Quality remanufactured toner and inkjet catridges and complete office supplies.
- The Internet Guide to Hostelling has all the details you need about traveling in this inexpensive and friendly way.
- Alan K. Stazer Evironmental Law Attorney.
- DanDesign Graphic Repairs and Spare Arts.
- BransonNet showcasing the finest that Branson, MO offers.
- Blue Pearl presents the
hottest entertainment developed for the Latino community but enjoyable by all.
Come see Techno3 the Internet's first interactive soap opera; Cruise your
way through La Musica and make sure you enter the Slosh Factory.
- Galaxy Photography for stars bigger than anything Hollywood can provide. Space and Astronomical Photography.
- Delmas Typesetting Master Typesetters. Check out their beautiful panoramic imagery.
- A World Of Interest Quick Net Directory, Photojournalism, also New Jersey Guides.
- King of the Hill Fly Fishing Company We never let the big one get away.
See our listing in The Internet Mall.
Please Note: The April issue of Internet World lists pricing
for our Basic Service incorrectly. Since the magazine went to press, we have
adjusted our Basic Service package pricing to $50.00 US/month. The
advertisement has been corrected for subsequent months. We apologize for any
confusion this may have caused.
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Of course you can do CGI scripts!
Transactions! Fill Out Forms! Inquire Within.
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Would you like to know more about DigiMark and how we may help you?
Last updated April 1, 1995.
Digital Marketing, Inc., Bowie, MD (301) 249-6501
Copyright 1995, DigiMark