hide random home screenshot http://www.dur.ac.uk/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

University of Durham Photo of the Cathedral

Local Information: Services

Local Information: Academic Departments

A number of academic departments already have a WWW home page. If you would like information about how to set up a home page for your department, please click here.

Local Information: Student Societies

For information about student societies in Durham, please click here.

Network Services


A list of UK University home pages is maintained by the SuperJANET Information Service. Other similar lists may be found at Imperial College, London and at the University of Birmingham.
Other useful resources are: the ITTI home page, the TLTP Central Web, and the NCET (National Council for Educational Technology) Information Service

Regional List of UK Library Catalogues (OPACs)

Natural Environment Research Council

See also University-based information.

Finding information on the World Wide Web

There is an enormous, and growing, amount of information available on the World Wide Web. In the following sections, a few examples have been given to illustrate the range of material available. Please note that this information is subject to change - files may be altered or moved at any time.

If you have any comments on this information, please contact Barbara Smith (e-mail: Barbara.Smith@durham.ac.uk).