hide random home screenshot http://www.earth.ox.ac.uk:80/~geoff/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)



1995 Zaalfinale photographs: 9,000 Crowd!!

These pages are maintained by Geoff Pegler..

This is a set of information pages about Korfball. Please let me know if you access this page successfully. The amount of information avaialable is increasing all the time but I would welcome any contributions to add to these pages. Please send any korfball information/news/images to geoff@earth.ox.ac.uk

We now have over 140 korfballers on E-Mail and 9 clubs have their own homepage!

If you access these pages and are at all involved/interested in korfball please email me so that I can add you to the list of email contacts. Please don't just log in, browse and log out. - Let me know you're out there!

What's New! - Latest Update

General Info:

What is korfball?. A brief description of the sport.

Addresses/E-Mails Worldwide Korfball Contact list.

Ass./Com./Org.Individual Association/Committee/Organisation Home pages

Club Home Pages. Individual Club Home Pages.

News Items

Korfball NEWS. Latest korfball news/information.

Match Results. Recent Match Results & Tables.

Calendar of Events Calendar of Events (Mainly Student Korfball)

Internationals Korfball Internationals/Championships Info

Notice Board Notice Board, Leave your messages here!!

NewsGroup (news:alt.sport.korfball)

IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Coaching/Technical Info:

Technical. Technical Articles.

Exercises/Drills. Training Exercises/Drills.

Miscellaneous Stuff:

Dutch Teletext Hoofdklassse on Teletext

Lost and Found Messages for people with no E-Mail etc..

Images. A selection of korfball snaps.

Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous Articles.

Partee! Some interesting "Non-Korfball" WWW links