hide random home screenshot http://www.eden.com/comics/comics.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)



New and ongoing titles from Fantagraphics

Adhesive Comics

A complete listing of titles available from Adhesive Comics, including Too Much Coffee Man, The Eden Matrix, Eyebeam, and JAB.

MOJO Press

MOJO Press is one of the hottest new horror comic publisher to appear this year, and you can check out samples of their new and upcoming titles, Creature Features and Weird Business right here.

Deep Girl

The complete fixed Deep Girl Digital Ashcan flipbook, featuring the story "Lezbo Hellhole" from Deep Girl #3 by Ariel Bordeaux. Self-playing Macintosh application.
WARNING: Clicking on Deep Girl begins to DOWNLOAD the ashcan file (2.1 Mb)

Cult Press

Follow Cult Press and their offbeat titles, including Wiindows, Billy Cole, and Roadways.

Absolute Comics

Titles available from Absolute Comics, including Punk and Shott Loose.

Psycho-Dillo Mini- Comick

A "Roadrunner" for the '90s by KEZ, also known as the infamous Keith Wilson.
Also, check out the KEZworks home page!

Girl Hero

Eden Matrix home page