hide random home screenshot screenshot http://www.eeb.ele.tue.nl/mpeg/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Other archives: wwwdir
MPEG Movie Archive

Work on a complete revision of the MPEG archive is going on. In the near future, things will be totally different. Keep watching these pages for updates on the work.

Archive is only accessible from 18:00 until 08:00

|||| Hot News |||| Hotlist |||| Rules ||||

The sections of the archive are:
        Supermodels   Animations

        Movies & TV   Music

        Racing        R-rated

        Space         Various

First mirror sites have come up.

Below you will see the country where the mirror is located and the categories it mirrors:
Canada: Animations, Supermodels, Music, Space, Various.
Germany: Supermodels.
Germany: Supermodels, Animations, TV, Music, Racing, Space, Various.
Only accessible between 6pm and 8am local time (=GMT+0100).
Norway: Supermodels.
Sweden: Animations, Supermodels, Music, Space, Various.
United States: Animations, Supermodels, Music, Space, Various..
United States: Racing.
Please use the site closest to you

There a couple of other places where you can find some more MPEG-movies. Below you will find a list.
Collection of the Computer Graphics Unit at the University of Manchester
Department of Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh

If you are not in possession of an MPEG-viewer yet, depending on your hardware, take a look at the following links:
X11, binaries for different platforms
Atari Falcon030
A site archiving most of the public domain programs and documents about the MPEG standard (and also other compression techniques) may be found at ftp.crs4.it.

For people who would like to know more about MPEG, there is now a FAQ on MPEG available.

Also visit our Home Page
Electronic Circuit Design Home Page

Heini Withagen, www@eeb.ele.tue.nl