(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
CWRL home page
Welcome to the Computer Writing and Research
The CWRL operates computer assisted classes for the Division of Rhetoric and
Composition and the Department of English at the University of Texas at Austin.
From here you can join our teaching and research in literature, composition, and
computer mediated communication; you can find out about our classes and see our
student projects, or you can find resources for students and instructors. We also
promise not to curl your toes with any squealing chalk.
Specials Are:
This site is a work in progress. Many sections are under continuing
development. If you have any suggestions or questions, or
if you'd like to get in touch with us, please fill out our comment form. Thanks. You can also see information
about traffic at this
Computer Writing and Research Lab
The Division of Rhetoric
and Composition
John Slatin, Director
This file last modified
Sunday, March 26