the design of a pin for rec.kiters. Some designs have been submitted,
and you'll find them below. Clicking on the picture will bring you
the real picture.
If you got a browser such as Lynx, that does not support inlined images, don't worry, I haven't forgotten you. You can see an ASCII transcriptions of some of these images.
/ \ / rec.\ \kites/ \ / \/ \ >< \ >< \Andrew didn't give us yet a real graphic file...
,,==="""""""===,, ,==" __ ___ __ ""==, ,=" | | | / \ `"=, /" |--' |-- | "\ /" | `\ |___ \__/ o "\ /' `\ /' /\ /\ `\ / { `---' } \ /' { O O } `\ / ~~> V <~~ \ | \ \|/ / | | `-----'__ | | / \ `^\_ | | { }\ |\_\_ W | | | \_/ |/ / \_\_( ) | | \__/ /(_E \__/ | \ ( / /' \ MM /' `\ /' `\ _____ ___ ___ /' `\ | / | | | / ' /' `\ | / | | |-- `---, /' "\ | \ | | |___ ,___/ /" -cfbd- `"=,_ ,="' `""=,__ __,=""' ``""=========""'' ============================= rec.kites kitepin featuring Kitty the Kiter's Assistant ============================= - All Rights Reserved. -Colour Scheme: "Kitty" and the lettering, "REC. KITES", would look smart outlined in gold or silver ( or even black contour lines superimposed on gold or silver ) with the body of the pin in Royal Blue; Deep Red or even Black. The pin size could be almost any appropriate size and oval in shape.