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Pins for rec.kiters

Well, there's a lot of discussion on rec.kites about the design of a pin for rec.kiters. Some designs have been submitted, and you'll find them below. Clicking on the picture will bring you the real picture.

If you got a browser such as Lynx, that does not support inlined images, don't worry, I haven't forgotten you. You can see an ASCII transcriptions of some of these images.

Submitted by Simo Salanne (salanne@convex.csc.FI)

The white color would actually be "steel" or "gold", the same as selected for the border color framing the black @.

Submitted by Daryl Erwin (derwin@mach2.WLU.CA)


Submitted byMichael Graves (mgraves@leadingedg.win.net)


Submitted by Jeanette Clark

(Jeanette if you want you e-mail address included above mail it to me) jeanette1.gif


Submitted by Doug ???

(Doug if you want youname and/or e-mail address included abovmail it to me) doug1.gif

Submitted by Andrew Beattie (andrew@tug.com)

      / \           
    / rec.\         
     \   /          
Andrew didn't give us yet a real graphic file...

Submitted byColin Douthwaite (Colin_Douthwaite@equinox.gen.nz) for Ed Savage

" Kitty is everyone's favourite helpful kite assistant. She helps with winding up lines, and tails, and retrieves everything that moves with her sharp little teeth and claws ! "
                    ,==" __    ___    __  ""==,
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              /"        |--'  |--   |             "\
            /"          | `\  |___   \__/  o        "\
          /'                                          `\

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             "\    | \    |    |    |___   ,___/    /"  -cfbd-
               `"=,_                            ,="'          
                   `""=,__                __,=""'             

                            rec.kites kitepin 
                      Kitty the Kiter's Assistant

                            - All Rights Reserved. -
Colour Scheme: "Kitty" and the lettering, "REC. KITES", would look smart outlined in gold or silver ( or even black contour lines superimposed on gold or silver ) with the body of the pin in Royal Blue; Deep Red or even Black. The pin size could be almost any appropriate size and oval in shape.
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Page maintained by E.Germond