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Welcome to the School of Environmental Sciences

ENVSHEET, the School of Environmental Sciences Newsletter

Research Groups

In the School of Environmental Sciences physical, chemical, biological and social science methods are applied to the study of natural and human environments and man's role in them. The School therefore brings together subjects usually studied in separate departments. The School is one of the longest established, most experienced and largest developments in this field in the United Kingdom. As well as the groups detailed below, the school also comprises the Centre for Social and Economic Research into the Global Environment (CSERGE) and the Centre for Environmental and Risk Management (CERM).

In the 1992 Research Assessment exercise the School attained a Category 5 (i.e. the highest) research grading. Our teaching has recently been rated "Excellent" in the Teaching Quality Assessment (TQA) exercise.

Research Groups

To meet our staff and find out about their research interests, click here

Some of our research groups are actively developing web pages to tell you more about their specific work and providing pointers to other related sites. The following list will continue to grow:

Enquiries/Suggestions about the ENV pages to: s.dorling@uea.ac.uk