hide random home screenshot http://www.eskimo.com/~graham/dragonflight.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)


PO Box 417
Seattle, WA 98111-0417
(206) 781-0047

Remember, Dragonflight '95: August 25th, 26th and 27th.

Special Guest: Steve Jackson

For more information, see the Dragonflight 1995 entry below. A postscript version of the registration form is also available.

Dragonflight is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of gaming in the Pacific Northwest. It is based in Seattle, Washington. The group started as an annual convention, held at Seattle University. Since 1990, it has also operated Metro Seattle Gamers, a game club, located in Seattle's Ballard neighborhood.

Metro Seattle Gamers

Metro Seattle Gamers is a game club located in Seattle's Ballard neighborhood. It provides a space for gamers to gather and playing space. It normally operates all day Saturday and Sunday, and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings.

Dragonflight 1995

Each year, Dragonflight hosts a convention at Seattle University over the last weekend in August. It begins early Friday afternoon and continues until Sunday evening. Attendance is normally 550 to 600 gamers. Events covering all aspects of gaming are available.

Upcoming Events in the PNW

A brief overview of other gaming events in the Pacific Northwest. Conventions, seminars, and other special events in British Columbia, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

WWW Gaming Resources

Other WWW pages covering gaming.

What is Gaming?

In the hobby, it refers to three main activities: boardgaming, miniatures, and roleplaying. Boardgames are played on a map or similar board, often with small cardboard pieces called "counters". Many boardgames are military simulations or have a military theme, but others may focus on constructing railroads, building hotel chains, rising to power in an empire. Miniatures feature small metal or plastic figures, usually military, and normally played on three-dimensional representations of terrain. Role- Playing may be familiar to you as Dungeons & Dragons or a similar game. It involves a group of players engaged in a mutual fantasy, often a heroic quest, led by a gamemaster, who creates the world and manages its interaction with the players. Recently, the hobby has the rise of collectible trading-card games, such as Magic: The Gathering.

Stephen Graham