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University Crest University of Essex Home Page

Welcome to the University of Essex World Wide Web service. From here you can access the University's Campus Wide Information Service (CWIS) plus a number of other local information resources. You can also use this service as a starting point from which to explore the World Wide Web.

The following services are either specific to Essex University or are maintained at Essex :

Academic Departments and centres.
Computer Service, Library, and other services
Access, the Albert Sloman Library Information System.
ESRC Data Archive
Email, telephone and other directories.
Information Archives and other Internet services at the University of Essex
Science Centre for Schools
Essex Alumni
Essex University Societies
Computing Service Announcements
CHEST Announcements
Security concerns and courses
Calendar Information

We have also created a list of various external miscellaneous information sources which you may find of interest, a map of the campus, and some collections of Photographs in and around the University.

If you have any suggestions about the information you would like to be made available by this service, please let us know, either by mailto, or by filling in this form.

Please note

Guidelines for providing information on the World Wide Web via servers at Essex are now available.

Essex Home Page
Many subpages carry this icon
Clicking on it will return you to this Home Page

Last modified by Alan Stanier (alan@essex.ac.uk), 11 April 1995