hide random home screenshot http://www.gac.edu/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Welcome to the Gustavus Adolphus College home page. This page contains hyperlinks to documents and information resources on the Internet to form a part of the World Wide Web. Single click on any highlighted phrase or image to follow a link.

The Local Web (a.k.a. GACWeb)

Information available about Gustavus and the surrounding area.

The Extended Web

The following links connect you with resources all over the world.

Introduction to Mosaic and the Web

The following resources are available to help introduce you to Mosaic and the Web:
This server keeps a log of its use. We use this to see what items are popular and to track server load. The current report and archived monthly reports are available.
Gustavus Adolphus College, Academic Computing, St. Peter, MN 56082