Welcome to the EOS IDS Volcanology Home Page. We are providing information about the project activities of the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Interdisciplinary Science (IDS) Investigation Volcanology Team. EOS is a series of polar-orbiting remote-sensing satellites planned for launch starting in 1998 and spanning a period of at least 15 years. EOS is a major component of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth. The title of our investigation is: A Global Assessment of Active Volcanism, Volcanic Hazards, and Volcanic Inputs to the Atmosphere from the Earth Observing System. The Principal Investigator is Pete Mouginis-Mark (University of Hawaii) and the Deputy Team Leader is Joy Crisp (Jet Propulsion Laboratory).
New on the EOS Volcanology Web? (updated May 22)
Members and Collaborators
What Volcanic
Phenomena Do We Study Using Remote Sensing?
Team Data
Input Requirements During the EOS Mission
Educational Outreach Slide Sets and Report
Interactive Topographic Analysis Software (ITAS) for Unix/XWindows
"Santa Maria: A Remote Sensing Perspective" Report by W.I. Rose and P.G. Kimberly
SCI.GEO.EOS Frequently Asked Questions
(updated Sep 19)
Information Provided by Other Organizations
Satellite Data Provided by Other Organizations
Hardware and software support provided by Dave Schneider (djschnei@mtu.edu) and Bob Landsparger (rel@mtu.edu) at Michigan Technological University. Bullets and divider-bars created by Patrick Hennessey's Interactive Graphics Renderer.