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Program of Computer Graphics

Cornell University

Donald P. Greenberg, Director

About the Program of Computer Graphics

The Program of Computer Graphics at Cornell University is an inter-disciplinary graphics center dedicated to the development of interactive graphics techniques and the uses of these techniques in a variety of applications. The Center was initially established in 1974, primarily through a large National Science Foundation grant. Since its inception, collaborative research has been conducted in many diverse areas.

Close working relationships with industry have resulted in the donation of millions of dollars worth of equipment. Thus, the computer graphics facility is one of the most advanced in the United States and provides a unique opportunity for scientific exploration in computer graphics and parallel processing, and for interdisciplinary research in computer-aided design.

About the Science and Technology Center

The Program of Computer Graphics at Cornell is one of five sites forming the national Science and Technology Center for Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization, with funding from the National Science Foundation CISE Directorate and the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). The other four sites include Brown University, the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the University of Utah. The Center has a long-term research mission (11 years) to help improve the scientific bases for the next generation of computer graphics hardware/software environments. Professor Donald P. Greenberg currently serves as the Director of both the national Center and the Program of Computer Graphics.

The History of the Cornell Box

The Cornell Box is a simple model that has been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of radiosity solutions.

An Image Sampler

The research at the Program of Computer Graphics produces many excellent images which demonstrate the techniques being developed. Here are just a few of those images.

People of the Program of Computer Graphics

Approximately six faculty, eight full-time staff, and 30 graduate students are currently working in the center. This provides us with the critical mass needed to continue the broad and comprehensive research effort.

Current Research

Current projects at the Cornell Program of Computer Graphics involve the simulation of three-dimensional, time-dependent phenomena, and include the fields of mechanical engineering, engineering mechanics, medical imaging, perception psychology, architecture, art, and animation. In addition to its basic research mission, the Program of Computer Graphics is involved with projects for scientific visualization and designing future software and hardware graphics workstation environments.

Information about Graduate Study

The Program of Computer Graphics has a rather unique relationship to the flexible requirements of the graduate school at Cornell University.

Related Research Projects

The DISCOVER Lab, under the direction of Professor Toby Berger, is a research facility for video/audio compression development.

Computer Graphic Resources on the WWW

There are many resources for computer graphics on the world wide web. These are some of the ones we have encountered in our travels, and some that we are providing.

Anonymous FTP

A catch all FTP site for the Program of Computer Graphics. Such things as the Ray Tracing News (edited by Eric Haines) are here, as well as recent papers, theses, some executable files, etc.

visitors since this counter was installed on January 21, 1995.

This document was last updated on Tuesday, 25-Apr-95 12:03:50 EDT
Bretton Wade (bwade@graphics.cornell.edu)