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WebTechs and HTML

The following are brought to you by Dan Connolly and Mark Gaither.


HTML Check Toolkit
This is a set of tools which makes maintaining HTML documents easier and increases the fidelity of communications on the World-Wide Web. We build the distribution for you!


HTML Validation Service
This is a form-based service where you can either submit an entire HTML document by it's URL or enter bits and pieces of HTML interactively and receive immediate feedback.


This is a webified version of the current HTML 2.0 DTD. The DTD was webified by Earl Hood's dtd2html Perl script.
HTML Specification Review Materials
Dan Connolly maintains the HTML 2.0 specification and gathers other related materials.
HTML 2.0 specification
This document describes HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Version 2.0.
Why Validate Your HTML Documents
This is an in-progress article about why it is important that you validate your HTML document space. The article also talks about why validation is not enough.

Other Docu-Islands of Information

As We May Think
This is an article originally published in the July 1945 issue of The Atlantic Monthly by Vannevar Bush. This is an awe inspiring look at the present from the past. Finally, this paper is considered the seed of modern day hypertext/hypermedia.
LegaLink is a monthly newsletter providing a concise summary of current legal developments in cyberspace plus general interest high tech legal matters. It is published by the high tech practice group of Small, Craig & Werkenthin, P.C. in Austin, TX.

Applications of the WWW

Weekly NFL Pool via the WWW
This is a forms-based weekly National Football Leage pool which is free and for fun!
Weekly NBA Pool via the WWW
This is a forms-based weekly National Basketball Association pool which is free and for fun!
Weekly NHL Pool via the WWW
This is a forms-based weekly National Hockey League pool which is free and for fun!

HTML 2.0 Checked! Last updated and validated Wed 8 Feb 95 by markg@hal.com